Upcoming Writing Workshop
Rhythm of Language
Rhythm is inherent to writing. Deftly utilized, it can convey everything from a character’s emotional state, to a story’s setting, to the stakes of the scene. It is an essential element to that ever-important yet often elusive concept of a writer’s voice. But what is rhythm in writing?
Join Allegory founder Andrea Karin Nelson for an exploration of the rhythm of language and how it can be harnessed to strengthen our work. In this class, we will examine how punctuation, word choice, phrasing, sentence structure, and sentence length all play a part in shaping the rhythm of our writing.
Andrea Karin Nelson
Founder of Allegory Editing
About Andrea: In addition to her developmental editing work with published novelists, playwrights, and essayists, Andrea brings a unique set of experiences and skills to her editing craft. Twenty years as a writer and theater maker has developed her keen sense of story structure, plot and character development. Her plays have been commissioned and produced across the United States and performed in both English and American Sign Language. Fifteen years as a Master-Level, Certified Sign Language Interpreter has finely tuned her ear to the subtleties of language and the nuances of human interactions. And with over two decades as an educator, her teacher's heart allows Andrea to personally tailor her work with each writer.
When: Sunday, January 19th.
Where: Fremont Library
What Time: 4:00-5:30PM